Sunday, December 20, 2009


Hello. So since last week I have been taking care of my brother. Feeding him, nurse his wounds, push him around the house on our grandmama's wheelchair. I feel like a maid! Hahaha. But I'm having fun. Its not everyday I get to see my brother soooo weak. =p

He's going back to Tan Tock Seng Hospital this Thursday
, for his check-up. Then that's where we will know if his left leg needs operation, or not. Dad's not working on that day, so he's driving us there. Yeap. I have to be there. What the hell am I suppose to do at home? Mom's working. And the other lady in my house is gone. So, yeah. No she's not dead. She's VERY alive.

So the whole thing's probably gonna end in the afternoon. Hopefully I'll be able to make it for the outing to VivoCity with Fifie/Fardhie and Abg Iman. I hope hope hope I can make it. *crosses fingers*

So I've been browsing through my whole blog. Hmm
m. There hasn't been any pictures here lately. Probably because I don't have any pictures to upload. =)

Last Saturday, mom bought me a Sony MP3 Player and a headphone. I actually wanted an Ipod Nano, but I figured, its a waste of money cause I won't be using most of the applications. And I wanted to buy one of the pretty and cool headphones at Zumreed, but then, I figured, once its broken, I'm gonna waste $79 just like that. =( Yeah I think ALOT before I decide.I'm gonna put up the pictures next time I blog cause I'm pretty much, lazy. :)

In the meantime...
I miss them. So much. Sighs.



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