Thursday, December 10, 2009

Kakak Farah...

Hello. So I'm not sure why I keep updating everyday. I don't usually do that. I think something's wrong with me. Hahah.

So anyways, this post is for Farah Bte Hassan. Or in her Facebook name, Farah Ace. She's my cousin and she's requested me to teach her how to post a profile picture and how to put song. So I'm here to teach her.

Profile Picture.
1. Go to
2. Upload apicture of that you would like to put up.
3. By the way, if you don't have an account, sign up aite?
4. Click on the photo that you have uploaded.
5. At the left hand side of the screen, there would be links under 'Share This Image'.
6. Copy the HTML code and go to your blogger Dashboard.
7. Click on Template.
8. Paste the code wherever you want the picture to be.
9. Once you're done, save it and view blog.
10. If not satisfied, you can either resize the picture at Photobucket, or you can paste the picture somewhere else. Up to you.

For the Music thingy, I can't help you now. The website in this Macbook lags so its veryyy irritating. All I can tell you now is that do you see my 'Ipod' at my blog? Click Create Free. And continue from there. I'll teach you when I get a Windows Desktop aite? So any further questions, just feel free to sms me. Have fun yea? Take care babe!

So there. I'm done. And I'll come back tomorrow to post about the 5th December outing to Vivo City. Have a good day readers. =)

PS: Bee, what the hell is happening to you.



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