Wednesday, November 11, 2009


Hello hello. So i've been busy preparing for my end of year performance at Sri Warisan, where after the performance there'll be an exam. I hope I pass!

Like I've always said, holidays suck. And yes it still does. I don't know when the hell I'm going Malacca. And also when the hell I'm staying over at Atok and Nyayi's house. (Read: My grams.) Just the other day, My momma and sister and I took them out to eat. Transport? Well my dad's car of course. So yeah. Dad suffered from taking PUBLIC transport to work that day. It's been YEARS since he stopped taking buses and trains. Anyways, we drove over to their house to pick them up. Nyayi's never been in a car where her grand-daughter is driving. So the first few minutes of it, she was nervous. So cute. Then later part of that day she got used to it.

So we went to eat at Toa Payoh's Fork and Spoon. Nyayi and Atok at Yong Tau Fu. I ate fish and chips, my all time favourite. My sister ate carrot care. And momma at beef noodles AND yong tau fu.So we ate and talked about alot of things. Then went to send them home since my sister had to report to work at 4pm. So nuff bout that.

Yesterday, gosh. I had practice at 7.30 pm at Sri Warisan. Ohkay so first thing is that it is located at Little India. So you know how the place is. I reached the place with my friend and bumped into 2 of our other team mates. Found out that the place was still locked so we waited. One of the girls told us that earlier on, when she arrived, there was a man who kept on looking at her. She got scared but didn't say anything. She went to buy ice cream at the nearby shop. When she turned, the man was directly at the entrance of the shop. It was like he was following her. Sh eimmediately got out and walked the whole Little India until the other arrived with her parents. So thank Gawd she was safe.

So we waited for Kak Neng, my instructor. She arrived with her husband and told us she didn't have the key. So we had to wait for Abg Murah, since he's the only one with the key. Then while waiting we sat at the coffee shop cause Kak Neng wanted to eat. There were 8 girls, and 2 adults. While eating and talking, one Indian guy came. I honestly thought he was gonna ask for order. But he didn't. He kept pointing to my teammate who was beside me. He kept pointing and asking her to come. She was wearing normal clothing, long sleeves and skirt. Then Kak Neng's husband, Abg Farid, stood up and said, "What?! What?! What you want?!" Then they talked and I couldn't hear what they were saying. Now, Kak Neng's voice is very loud. Just like her husband's. She heard what the Indian man said and shouted, "No, no! No prostitute here! Behind, behind!" Then Abg Farid said something, and that man walked away.

Poor girl was trembling beside me. So people, do you understand? Yes. That man thought she was a whore. Because around that area, ALOT of whores find their victims around there. Most of these whores come from India. And these whores usually stand outside our office since its the only place that has space cause other shops are crwoded with their stuffs. So that bastard thought that we were all whores and Abg Farid and Kak Neng was our sugar mama and sugar daddy. Asshole.

Being there every weekend and sometimes weekdays, we deal with it everytime. So we're kind off used to it. We tried complaining to the government. It decreased, but never did wipe out the whole thing. So we can't do anything. There was one time that it was raining and I was waiting for my dad with my friend. And an Indian man just came up and ask, "How much?" Muthafcuka. We both shouted back. "What how much?! We call police than you know!" Then he said sorry and walked away. Moronic beings.

Anyways, gotta go. Gonna celebrate my sister's belated birthday tonight. Toodles!


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