Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Update Update Update!

Hello! Hahaha. Yeap. Yeah. Yes. School's reopened, and Hari Raya's in four days. Hahaha. Anyways, a quickie for home issues.

-I think mom is ohkay already.
-Started talking and having mother/daughter time while I helped her make cookies for Hari Raya.
-Then yesteday played with flour with my sister while my mom was baking them.
-Got scolded for putting 5/6 M&Ms on each cookie when we're only supposed to put 2. =p
-So basically, these few weeks, I had fun being at home.

Ohkay. Another quickie on school issues.

-Err school started as per normal.
-Monday had appearance and attire check.
-I got caught cause I don't wear socks to school. =p
-Went to Junction 8 to bu stuffs with my girls.
-Homed alone.
-Tuesday slacked at PE cause teacher had to go and take a look at NAPFA Failures.
-Had Mother Tongue and later found out that I have to do STUFFS on Wednesday's Assembly.
-Then Junction 8-ed again with the girls.
-Trained home and saw a really interesting at Bishan MRT.
-There was this middle aged malay woman and a psycho malay man.
-The man was like coaxing the woman to do something.
-But the woman was like, 'I don't want. You can't force me.'
-The man was stubborn and wouldn't leave her alone.
-They were arging and almost fighting.
-Then inside the train, they argued somemore, until the guy lost his temper and said this.
-"EH FCUK YOU LAH! CH*B** WOMAN! YOUR MOTHER'S A BITCH!'' *Stomps off out of the train right before door closes.*
-Then Everyone stared the the woman.
-Humiliated, she cried silently.
-I was so pissed withe man and I pitied the woman.
-Such a bastard.
-Then today had normal lessons.
-THINGS happened after school.
-I won't mention what, but yeah.
-Then while waiting for Phine/Fifie/Siti Farah/Geraldine/Hadassha/Johanna, Me and Anis talked non-stop in the canteen.
-Then we got bored, we went to the hall to watch Judo.
-Actually Anis was watching Judo.
-I was watching Sulaiman (Judo Coach) all along.
-He's just super hot in his gear ohkay!
-Then talked and chat before we went down again to see Phine and all happily eating what they had bought from opposite school.
-Then I decided that I wanted to go, so I made my move with Geraldine/Johanna/Siti Farah/Hadassha.
-Sorry Anis. =p
-Then Illy called and asked us to wait for her, so me, Johanna and Siti Farah did, at Bishan Park Bus Stop.
-Homed with Illy and Siti Farah.

So that's basically it. I'm busy busy busy preparing for Hari Raya. So sorry for not updating sooner. Anyways, Eveything's fine at home, as well as school. Ouh AND somewhere ELSE. So basically, I'm a super duper happy bunny who just can't wait for Hari Raya and enjoying life at the moment with, ermh, people. =p

So have a good night everyone of you. =)

PS: I do too.

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