Tuesday, August 04, 2009

Hello. So uhm I just finished talking to my girls on the phone just now. And you have no idea how hard it was for me to not start crying. My goodness, I miss them so much. When Anna picked up the phone she was like so excited hearing my voice. Then in the background everyone starts screaming for the phone. Awww. I can't imagine how 2 days can make a difference. But good news is that my temperature is stable right now. Its no more than 37 degree celsius. So probably I'll be coming to school by Thursday or even tomorrow. I don't want to miss watching my girls play netball on Friday please larh. =)

Dad called my school and asked if I could come, even though my MC says 5 days rest, then the clerk said, I could if my temperature tomorrow morning is still stable. Ooooh I'm so excited! I really hope today I don't have tuition. I'm so not ready to crack my brain yet. Please oh please.

PS: Gawd, my tastebuds are killing me.



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