Friday, July 17, 2009

Wahlau. I've met 3 people in just 2 days. Hahaha.

Me, Illy and co. hung out with ST. Andrew peeps and Ain's bestie, Nafsiah today. Malek, Khai, and Tighu(Read:I think.) Malek is from the NDP thingy that Illy and co. is attending every saturday, so that's how they met and that's how he was introduced to me. Yesterday, I met Danish, another ST. Andrew. He's more fun than the people today hor!

So after school, discussed with them where to go, after it was done, we made a move. I told my dahlings that I was going already since they wanted to hang around longer. So we caught the bus and stopped at AMK Hub, where we planned to meet Malek and Co.(A), and also Nafsiah(B) and Shalihan and Co.(C). Then since A wanted to buy 'something' at 200+, we followed them all the way through the long and exhausting walk. In the middle of walking, C changed their minds so they went back to AMK Hub and we never saw them again. So bubbye C. Bumbed into Aris(D), who was crossing the traffic light. He rewinded back and walked with us. Then he had to go so, bubbye D. Then sat down at one of the shelters while A, went to buy their 'something'. Talked and when they came back, we made our move back to AMK Hub, by, BUS. Thank Gawd. Stopped at Macdonalds, grabbed some snacks while A did their homework. So hardworking hor. Then while talking A had to go since they wanted to watch a Rugby match somewhere so bubbye A. Left us and B. Since Ain was using Dinar's concession, we went all the way back to school to pass it to her. Then took 169 with Illy and homed with her.

But I swear yesterday was better with Arina, Danish and Puma around. We lepak-ed at Yishun, (me and illy's area, don't play play) went to one of the playgrounds and then they went to my house. Since my my family wasn't around. Malek and Danish played comp. Arina and Co, playd with my cats. It was like so funny yesterday. ErhmErhm. =p

Anyways, school was oh-kay. The SCs had meeting, so didn't get to sit with the whole FIVE this morning. Went up to class with Anna and Hadassha. Whole day I laughed alot. Especially in class. Hahaha. So now I'm updating my blog, since everyone's complaining that I don't update always and they get bored. So FINE! I'm gonna post in evry two days now. HAPPY?! -.-

PS:I jumped 200 times today, + another 20 high jumps. Then I did 15 sit ups and 30 push ups. Then I jogged on the spot for 18 minutes. Woohoo !!! =))))))



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