Tuesday, June 09, 2009

Heyyy. Oh no. I ain't posting the Genting pictures now. Maybe soon. But when I post, make sure ya'll look at every picture. There's 1 person in that picture that MOST of you might recognise. =)

Anyways, sorry for not posting for so freaking long. I've been pretty held up. I came back from Genting on 2nd June. Went to take my results the next day with that woman. She got pissed with my results, OF COURSE. Why wouldn't she. She literally lectured me from the school gate all the way to the bus stop at my house. I kept quiet throughout the whole thing. But once I reached home, oh well, you get the picture. I told her to shut up and I went to my room and locked the door. Full stop. She showed the results to my dad, of course. But, fortunately, dad is nothing like her. He saw my results, called me to talk with him, then he's done. I get what he's trying to tell me, so he lets me off to do my own thing. That's why I love my dad more than that woman.

The reason she got all worked up is because that idiotic mutha fucka Mdm Jessica Lai, told her that I need tuition, my Maths is poor, I need help at home. Damn. Who the fcuk does she think she is? She's not even my Maths teacher. She's just some bloody Art loser that teaches me nothing but Art. Even Mrs Tan never say anything. Assh*le.

For the rest of the week, nothing much happened. Then Saturday, I had to come back for my dance cause they wanted us to do a feedback survey on the Genting/KL trip. Then did some celebration with the SW family and after that went home. Sunday went to watch a Dikir Barat competition at Republic Polytechnic. Wasted lah Farhan, tak pergi. Should have joined your friends when they asked you to go. Kecoh rabak sak Sunday. Ouh met up with the girls, and boy, at Woodlands MRT, we were late so we took a cab, separately.

But sad, Andika got second place this year. I heard last year they got first. This year's winner was Yenbo-Je, which I thought was not bad, but Andika was better. Aiyah, whatever lah. It's just damn entertainment. Then took the train with the girls, then bus-ed home with Illy.

Hmmm. Monday? Ouh Monday night I went out to meet that woman and my dad at YCK MRT Station cause we were going to my grandmother's house at Telok Blangah to bring her home cause I'm basically going to be lonely for the whole holiday since EVERYONE's working.

Yesterday was the worst day of my life. I had waited so fcuking patiently looking forward to R.E.M at 8pm last night. I've been waiting since the day I reached Genting cause there's someone in that show that I want to make was who I think he was. So I waited and waited until yesterday came. So hell yes I was excited. But guess what? That ridiculous woman came home, screamed at me to do a few chores.I was oh-kay at first. I didn't really care, YET, cause the show hasn't started yet. But when I finally get to sit down and watch TV, she snatched the damn remote from me and changed the channel. FUCK HER!

I yelled, asking why she fucking change the channel. She literally screamed at me back and told me to study cause my retest was this friday. I was furious. Damn, what's the point of studying if I keep failing?! Then she told me I already got you a tutor, he's coming tomorrow. I was like, shit! You didn't fucking discuss with me about it! How am I supposed to face that tutor today, if I don't even know that he IS coming?! I shouted at her larh! I was mad, damn it.

I told her that she never does discuss anything with me, and when something happens she blames me. I kept on shouting and cursing at her until I got so pissed I threw the cup that I saw on the table, at the door of her room. Then I went to my room, and cried myself to sleep. I didn't talk to her the whole night. I stayed in bed until today morning after she went to work. I didn't have dinner nor breakfast. I hate her. She's mean and unfair and freaking ridiculous. I hate that crazy woman whom I don't even know why she's staying at my house.



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