Monday, April 27, 2009

OMG. You guys wanna know what? Nowadays there are really alot of spammers around. I wonder what is wrong with these people. Are they so stucked up and fcuked up that they go around giving nasty comments about people? Come on you spammers! Get the hell out of the cyber-world larh please. We don't need you here. You go around, not courageous enough to put your bloody names and happily comment here and there. Why? The names your parents gave ya'll really sucks is it? Too bad. Too bad we have a life and you cyber-bullies don't. That's all I have to say for you garbages and sh*tloads.

Oh anyways, I kind of miss BPS dance. All those sweat and smelly-ness after working our ass off in the dance studio. But since now that SYF's over, I can concentrate on my performance this May, for Sri Warisan Tunas Berseni. Oh boy I AM nervous. My grams would be watching, that's why. Oh speaking of them, I miss them too. The last time I saw them was 3 weeks ago. My sister and I brought them to Geylang Temporary Market for lunch cause we wanted to see what the atmosphere was like there, after the Food Contaminated incident. Hehe.

Let's see. Oh I miss hanging out with Fifie also. Hahah. I miss disturbing Danny 'cause he's like so quiet nowadays. I miss disturbing Aris, whom I suspect have sore eyes 'cause his eyes are freaking red nowadays. What is up with Sec Ones man. Oh I miss my best friend also. He's gone to live with my God-mama 'cause mama needed help with her new computer. Hahah. Very cute lah she.

Oh well. School's oh-kay. I am so sleepy nowadays. And again, my right hand's been shivering non-stop. I swear I don't understand why. I told him to go home with me just now, but he said cannot and promised he would stay with me tomorrow. He had F&N test and I hope he passed the damn test. That boy ah. Hopeless case lah. Very the pemalas (Read:lazy) you know? Hahaha. Ouh friends? Normal. Crapped around, talked alot and laughed alot. Illy and Ain, takmo merajok2 uhk. Kan dah almost 2 years kawan. Forgive and forget k? K good girls.

Oh I went to watch cat-show yesterday. Alot of fcuking huge and fluffy and furry and faaaaaaaaaat cats. I want to register Manje Baby in. Can anot? Or is he too obese?

On the other note, I miss MY spammer. I wonder what happened to her. =)

Oh I want to meet them so very badly. They're my dance inspirations.

This couple is from Step Up 2006. Or known as Step Up 1.
Jenna Dewan - Nora
Channing Tatum - Tyler
This hot couple is getting married this year. =)

This one is my favourite couple among them two.
They are from Step Up to the Streets. Or known as Step Up 2.
Briana Evigan - Andy
Robert Hoffman - Chase
This couple is currently in a relationship. =)

Someone please get me tickets to meet these four people.



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