Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Awww. Some 'girl' claims that I'm ugly. Not bad. Give her a round of applause. =)

Hunney, why leave comments like that? Haven't your momma taught you to respect other people's property? So what if you think I'm ugly? It's not my fault I was born this way? I can't help it. Please lah. Get a life can? Do you really think I'd give a damn? I've received millions of other comments, far much more worst than yours. So don't be bragging like you just did something new, alright?

How old are you? T-E-N? Why are you playing these childish games? Tch tch tch. I won't call out names, but I know who you are. You don't have to own up. It's okay, really. I don't mind getting these comments. 1 ugly comment earns me 10 other commendable compliments. So, like I said, either you waste your time commenting like this, or use that time wisely. =)

On the other hand, today is so boring. (Didn't go watch movie.)
But yesterday was so, weird. (I hugged him.)
Tomorrow is worth waiting. (It's Ms Shining, not Ms Susan.)

I love you readers! =D

PS: Get over it larh can? I left you when you left me. I just cannot explain how much I hate you when I used to love you too much.

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