Monday, February 16, 2009

Hello everybody. Hmmm not been blogging since how many days uh? Hahah. Sowie. I was lazy lah. Man I am freaking tired. Like what Josephine said, OVERLY - FATIGUE. LOL. Anyways, I hate Ms Susan lah. She's so bossy. She complains alot. She's always eyeing on me. Very irritating. But overall, dance was average. School? I hate school every Monday. 1st of all, I'm always the 1st to reach school every week. Lessons are boring every Monday. Worst of all, teachers are very demanding. I wonder what's up with nowaday teachers. They're like so worked up for nothing. I mean like, isn't it normal to have noisy students in a class room. Come on lah even Raffles Institutions got chatterboxes. Stupid.

Ouh and by the way, eh no need to be plastic lah. I noe what ya'll are tryin to do. Arseholes.

I hope my dad would be better tomorrow! Gosh!



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