Thursday, January 29, 2009

Goodness! Dance was seriously exhausting! Ouh! By the way, Fifi's like totally nice. She likes laughing and smiling at everyone. And she's a fantastic dancer. 100% confirmed that Ms Shining Goh's gonna insert her in the SYF Competition. Which is sooooo way way wayyyyy awesome. =)

Oh just now, before dance started, we(Me,Phine,Nat,Anna,Zuby,Jess), were all like sitting in the canteen. So were the soccer boys, both Sec Ones & Sec Twos. As you can see, my old crush was there too. I used to like him but now I don't really like him anymore. I don't know why. But... Yeah.

We were all sitting next to each other's tables. We kind of own the 2 tables from behind the notice boards. So it was like my hair was down. I think it was D's first time seeing me with hair down. So I don't know, but I suspect he was amazed, I think, cause he was like always keep on turning back to look at me.

Trust me, he was staring at me like straight in the eyes. LOL. I wasn't freaking out cause, like I said, I don't like him anymore. I was pretty cool and everytime he looked, I looked back then I smiled. He smile then look back to his friends, then turn to look at me, AGAIN. Weird lah that guy.

But he's ohkay lah. He's actually in an Express class. Not bad for a Malay GUY eh? Hahaha. I like his hair. He's quite fair-skinned too. He's not cute. But there's something about him that just makes me wanna stare long long. But believe it or not, I swear that I do not like him. Not even crushing on him. Get my point? =)

The next thing that happened was, when I wanted to get to our table, to sit down, I was touching this plant uh. I wasn't looking at it. I was merely sliding my fingers on it while looking at Ridwan or someone else. Cause they were saying 'Hi' and stuff like that. Guess what? Some bloody blood sucking insect, stung my forefinger. Bloody hell! It stung like sh*t! I screamed and wiggled my hand really wildly. The 'thing' somehow fell to the ground. I sucked my hand really hard. WTF. Freaking bloody blood sucking insect. Until now I have a plaster on my forefinger. ARGH!

Ouh. One more thing. Matrep! Aku rindu kau!



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