Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Heyyy. I just came home from school. Had a long day mannnn. Ouh and here's what happened in school just now.

Hahah. We kind off had lots of fun today. I came to school, knowing that 'they' are already getting ready to go up. Then when they saw me, one of 'them' said something to the 'others' and 'they' kept on passing by while I was seated comfortably wih my darlings. (Phine,Nat,Zuby). Then It was time to go up to the hall. So we all went up to the hall. So did 'they'.

After assembly period, we went back to our own homerooms and had class party. I admit, I was too lazy to help my dearies with the Mahjong Paper decoration, so I was basically having a good time eating chips with my Malay classmate, Nurul. WHILE my dearies were working their asses off, decorating the big sheet of white paper. LOL. Sorry people.

After class party, we were told to go to the hall for a mini - celebration. So of course lah we did. Since 3/4 of the school wasn't there yet, I went to Arina and talked to her. 'They' were all looking at me. Weird. After celebartions, we were told to go home straight. Truth, school ended like 4 hours ago. But...... Whatever to the bloody rules man!

LOL. So we kind off went out. We went to the always-went-to-shopping-centre in Singapore. Junction 8. Urgh. Had luch at Mcdonalds and walked around, window-shopping. I wanted to buy a ring. But figured that I did not have enuff money. So we walked around somemore lor. But I did choose my ring ady.

After window-shopping, we all went to a non-popular playground, somehow, 'in' Junction 8. I was shocked to see Danny there with his girlfriend, Fifi, who looks nice, but doesn't seem happy about me smiling at her. We didn't care. We made lots of noise. I think she was irritated so she asked her beloved darling to accompany her home.(I heard Shukran talking to his friend just now.) =) Err then we relaxed.

It was the 1st time I had to sing in front of my friends. I was shivering. But for Johanna's sake, I did it. =) Good friend, don't play play. Then we were tired so we went home.

And now, I feel tired just typing this. I miss my bffl larh.



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