Thursday, March 05, 2009

Hey ho. I just reached home from school. I had dance. It was fun. Better than Ms Susan's class. Time flies when it's Ms Shining. Bloody hell. Anyways, my throat's not getting any better. Cause I cannot take in any cough syrup since I'm consuming 2 other types of pills that cannot be mixed with cough syrup. Sad. I'll just have to bear with all the people making fun of my voice. Hahah.

Anyways, this whole week I've been going home late sia. Monday, I had dance. Tuesday, I supported the soccer C division's match with some holy school that Josephine was from. =p Ridwan said that without any support from any girls, they'll probably lose that match. I pitied him, so after buying Fifie's birthday gift from Junction 8, I went all the way back to school just to support them.

It was worth it! Our school won the match. 4-2. And Ridwan was so happy I came, that he scored 2 goals. Hahah. Well, what can I say. LOL. The opposing team played rough though. They kept on pulling our boys' tee-s. Izad was mad, he pulled back. He got scolded by Mr Tan quite alot of times. Hahaha. Ouh and by the way, D didn't play. Let me tell you something. That dude's bad(read:and i mean really bad), in soccer. Even Haris was included in the best 11 players. He wasn't. Saaad. =D

Zuby and me was so evil. D, has this typical super blurr look, so everytime he passes by me and Zuby, we will burst out laughing, remembering how he looked like, throughout the match. LOL.

Ouh Wednesday, I came home late because I went to eat with my sister. She fetched me from school so we went all the way to Compass Point and had our lunch there. She wanted to finish up her car's fuel so that she could top up with new fuel so that it was fully loaded. That explains why she drove all the way to Compass Point. Hahah.

Today, again I had dance. Then I'm going home late again tomorrow, because I have bloody crappy ceramics workshop. Bullsh*t. Oh well, I suppose I'm just gonna have to bear with it. Goodnight dear readers!



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