Sunday, February 22, 2009

Hello! Argh I am so freaking sleepy. I woke up early today. Because we(my whole family/cousins/and all) had to be present at my not-so-immediate-uncle's wedding! Finally he's married! It's been 10 years since our family last organised any marriages.

He's married to a very sweet and petite looking lady, who has chinese look on her. She's very pretty. Lucky Uncle Jeff. =) Ouh and guess what? When we were at one of the venues, which is Lagun Sari, where the bride and groom will enjoy a special dance performance or some entertainment before going back to groom's side, my Sri Warisan instructors were there. They saw me and I was like, eh?

LOL. They performed a very delightful dance for the bride and groom. Then after eating and stuffs, we went back to the groom's side and took pictures and blah blah lah.

I was freaking worn out from all the walking and screaming. But I had lots of fun. I was united with my cousins. Farhan on Saturday night, and Farah in the bus on the way to Lagun Sari. They are actually siblings. LOL. I listened to them relating their relationship lives. It was so complicated but Kak Farah, I hope I helped. And Abg Farhan, not bad eyh? Very pretty choice. Hahah.

Anyways, congratulations to Uncle Jeffrey and Aunt Maziah! =)



They're so sweet.


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