Thursday, February 19, 2009

Hello. I am currently sitting on a chair, in my room, with one hand hand typing, and another holding a spoon with a scrumptious scoop of NUTTELLA! Looking at the label, it reminds me of NATHALIE. And when I think of Nat, all the other dearest names will start forming up. =p Hahah.

Oh well, wanna know more about her? She is a very nice girl. Hot, tough and cool. She's one of US. She's very outgoing and has a great personality. Trust me, if you mess with her, she's not gonna make you love school. People think she has attitudinal problem, but believe me, she does NOT. =)

Josephine's the so called 'ang-mor'. She looks like one, but only half of her blood IS one. Hahah. She has a good sense of humor, she listens to you, and she will say what she feels like saying. Many people thinks that she's some 'proud b*tch', but trust me, she IS the nicest young lady that has ever, happened to us. =)

Johanna's the full Filipino girl. She looks innocent but she isn't. Alot of people like her. Because of her personality, her not-shy character and her smile towards people. Its very welcoming. She doesn't care about alot of stuff. Which is good because, HELL, why should she if it doesn't concern her? =)

Zubaidah? A typical girl who doesn't walk properly. Not that she's disabled lah. But she stomps. Hahaha. She has a lot of dreams. Which makes her a dreamer. People think she's the normal Indian Muslim girl, but believe me, she is much much more than just that.

As for me, I'm just a normal teenager, who's living my life to the fullest. I haven't found my Mr Right yet, and also the missing 1/4 of my happiness. But, whatever. You can call me whatever you want, but please, not in front of me. I can be very friendly, and patient, and give in to a lot of things. But if I ever find out any facts about any plastic 'bags' around me, trust me, I will start. You woud not even realise that I,myself, am being what you were towards me. I won't show it or even let you feel it, but I will MAKE you admit. Not physically, but MENTALLY. =)

Goodnight dear readers! =D



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