Monday, March 30, 2009

Hey hey hey. Miss me huh? Nahh. Joking. Anyways, I just saw Mr Djohan on Suria, Budaya 360. I t is hard for me to react positively when I see him on TV nowadays, because for God's sake, he's teaches me Malay for like 3 days in a week. I am so used to seeing him teach, rather than act, or joke in TV. I am so gonna disturb him tomorrow during CMT. Sorry 'cher. Hahaha.

Anyways, Parents Meeting last Friday went pretty well. Parents understood why I've been failing and they didn't go meet my form teacher and co-form teacher. Huahuahua. Reason? I was very sticky and sweat-ty after carrying chairs up and down the school. Hahaha. But it was a good excuse huh? Ehem, of course. Haha.

Oh today, dance. Miss Shushan. That bloody Hong Kong(Read: That's what Jaidanah described her every dance lesson.) loser got no good comments about us. We've been improving alot (Read: And I mean really ALOT) ohkay, this past few weeks. And the only good/nice thing she can ever say is, 'not TOO bad'. Pathetic human being lah she.

Anyways, school? Typical normal school days. Didn't see him much today. I went straight to dance after our afternoon lesson. So, yeah. Last Friday was freaking weird lah. Thanks to Chicky, Chopsuey, Tribal leader and Chosen one, our relationship is so weird nooww. Especially after all those 'wrong' things that happened last Friday afternoon. Bloody hell. But the awkwardness is lesser now. Hahahahha. I do love him ohkay!

Ouh. Mom was nice today. She specially cooked Fried Rice with hotdogs and eggs for the whole family today. I love her so much. Now then I realise how important a mother is. And I hope that my relationship with my mom now, will never go back to how it was before. Cause I, too, want to have the feeling of having an understanding mommy, like Josephine's, Johanna's, Nathalie's and Zuby's. So, yeah. Pretty much.

I've been going out alot lately these weekends. Since I didn't have SW for two weeks, I might as well use that 2 hours wisely with all that I've been missing out every Saturday. Hahah. Ouh last Saturday I went to watch Towkay Wayang at Victoria Theater. It was awesome. Very very very good combination of the 50s and 60s. And my instructors wanted feedback on the show, so yeah, it was good. Good job Sri Warisan performers. =)

OMG. Band's SYF is like in 4 days time. And Dance's SYF is like in less than 14 days. Just by hearing the how soon it is makes me nervous. Tuhan please bless me. Amin.

Goodnight readers(Read: Number of readers of my blog is increasing.)and don't take drugs. Peace. =)




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