Wednesday, May 06, 2009

Felt like posting, so hello. =)
I'm currently at home, ignoring the fact that my sister's boyfriend's playing pranks and disturbing her in her room right now. He has been running to and fro, from the kitchen, to her room, from her room, to the hall. He is just so weird and funny and everything Azura could ask for her adult sister. My sister's 21 this year. For her birthday, I'll be giving her a fun and decorated non-usable key, because when someone reaches 21 years old, she has to be given the key to freedom. So the key represents HER key to feedom.

When someone is 18, he/she is considered an adult, and is legal for driving. When someone is 16, we call them SWEET 16. When someone is 13, he/she is a teenager. When a child is 6, he/she is ready for the world. I read these from the internet. It's so true, ya'll.

Anyways, school was oh-kay. It's always the same comments. Ohkay, fine, not bad, etc. It is true though. School was never fantastic. To me, it wasn't. I don't know about the others though. Oh well, had Geo today and I crapped around with Nurul Huda. My ever-so-funny-and-lovable malay lay-dee in my class. Then it was Muthu's class, the ever-so-old-and-idiotic-and-dumb2-and-stupid History teacher of mine. Then mother tongue. I was so moody cause I didn't really sleep well yesterday. And somemore I purposely went for the messy look for school today. So I looked downright, MESSY. Nurul hated it cause she got so rimas and felt like pushing all my hair back. Hahah. Then during CMT didn't really do much. Just waited for teacher to finish his work and then we got to know the Malay Paper results. Oh Gosh. I freaking surprised myself when teacher said I got highest for 2 Express. I was like, ' You've got to be joking.'

LOL. Some failed. But I won't say who on behalf of them and their reputations and so on and so forth. After CMT was Form-Teacher Period. I'm so glad we didn't have Assembly cause I had no mood at all. After school had a little bit of fun with Zuby, Anis, and Fifie at Fitness corner, as well as Bishan Park Swing 1. Then went home together. So now I'm at home, waiting for my mom to come home and by then, I'll probably break a glass or my room's cupboard or get blood out of my fingers cause when mom reaches home, she'll tell me to do all the impossible things in this world, keep nagging non-stop, tell me to clean this and that, call my sister, call my father, nag again until my head has no more black hair and only left with white hair. I gotta admit, I thought she's changed, but it seems like she's going to be her old-self all over again.

My relationship with mom is kinda pretty low again. I don't know why. It just doesn't seem to have that atmosphere I have been having for the past few months when she was my ever-so-loving-and-thoughtful momma. Now she's more like I'm-gonna-give-you-hell kinda mom. I'd seriously hate her if she becomes like that or even worse. I want my February-April 2009 momma back.

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