Monday, May 18, 2009

Hey everyone. I've realised that I'm a bad blogger. I don't blog until at least 4 days later. LOL. Oh well, what can I say, it IS anyway. So, NOUH complains yawww!

Hahha. Anyways, here's something I got from my email. I find it cool and VERY true, so I've decided to blog it down and let you girls out there know that, there is really something about creators of Him called 'boys'. Enjoy! (It sounds better if you're reading it out loud and sarcastically. Ouh I'm talking 'bout the email.)

The problem with guys. Wait let me count how many there are. Oh? I can't stop counting! Help!

1) If you treat him nicely, he says you're in love with him.
If you don't, he says you are

If you dress nicely, he says you're trying to attract HIM.
If you don't, he says you look like a potato sack

3) If you argue with him, he says you're
If you keep quiet, he says you have no

4) If you're smarter than him, he'll lose
If he's smarter than you, he's

5) If you don't love him, he
stalks you.
If you love him, he'll
leave you. (UH-HUH)

6) If you don't make love with him, he says you
don't love him.
If you do, he says you're

7) If you tell him your problems, he says you're
If you don't, he says that you
don't trust him.

8) If you scold him, he says you're
If he scolds you, it is because he

9) If you break your promise, you cannot
be trusted.
If he breaks his promise, he is
forced to do so.

10) If you smoke, you are a
bad girl.
If he smokes, he's a

11) If you're not scared, he says the movie is
But if he's not scared, he says he's
brave. (my *ss)

12) If you do well in your exams, he says it's
If he does well, he says it's

13) If you hurt him, you're
If he hurts you, you're just too

14) If you dance wrongly, he says you have
duck feet.
If he dances wrongly, he says the steps are
too hard.

15) If you tell this to him, he'll swear it's not true.
But if you don't, he says you're

Aren't all these true ladies? I mean like, some aren't if the guy happens to be your boyfriend, but think of it as some guy you happen to know in school. When I read it, it reminded me of my best friend, Faizal. So it's up to you guys to refer the 'he' to whoever ya'll think is appropriate candidate.

Anyways, how do you guys feel? Like ya'll wanna say, "No, that's not true, he doesn't say that to me." or ya'll wanna say, "Damn! That's so true!". Haha. I chose the second option after reading it from my email. I was like, "God, how true is this. I've gotta post this man!" So yeap. Here it is, in my blog, for ya'll to read and understand how guys really are. It's really funny 'cause I found out that the person who created this, was actually a guy. UH-HUH. Damn right he was. =)

Ouh wait! I heard that it's some mad-girl-that-escaped-from-Hougang-Avenue-4's 14th birthday today! She's so young to be admitted in that hospital. LOL.
Thanks for the presents people! May all my dreams come true and I live a looooooonnnng life. Amin.





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