Wednesday, July 08, 2009

Heylo everybody. Wassup my brotha's and sista's out there? LOL. I am bored larh. Don't blame me for being lame. And my nails are super long now. I'm so proud of myself.

Wahlau everyone's talking about MJ, the legendary King of Pop. It's a pity that he died when he was suppose to do a comeback performance for his fans. Sad larh. But whatever it is, R.I.P King.

Actually, I swear I have nothing to blog about. I don't know what is wrong with me. Its like I'm suffering from lazy-blogger syndrome. Ouh and yeah! By the way, that woman rebonded her hair 3 days ago. I don't blame her though. Her hair's freaking curly and freaking unshaped. But then, the rebonded hair and new hair-cut, she looks like a Modern Cleopatra. I am serious people. It's humorous sight. I'll snap a picture and post it here 1 day. =)

Anyways, now that school's reopen, I'm back to being THE laziest schoolgirl from BPS. I hate homeworks hokay. That's why I don't bother to do them. Like seriously, I don't. I need to buy a new Geo text book. Hahahah. Last term, everytime there's history, I'll put my Geo text book on the shelves, secretly, so that my bag won't be that heavy. And since this term, most of our lessons are going to be in just one class, I guess I'd better buy a new book before Peterson sends me to the homework period room. WTH.

Ouh and there's some bump in my lower eye lid. So I am forced to wear spectacles so that it won't be that obvious when I go to school, but it's like hell, so long I never wear specs, so I'm not used to being comfortable with it. Hopefully the bloody bump would go away.

Oh well, went home with them just now, since Illy wanted to visit Arina. Went to meet Iman at Macdonalds. Laughed like mad over there, after realising that Joseph looks exactly like Iman. Then went home and so here I am. Bored to tears.

PS: OHOHOHHHH !!! I'M BACK TO BEING SINGLE ! =D I'M SOOOOOOO DAMN HAPPY !!! But I want to stay single for maybe 2 months? =)



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