Friday, June 12, 2009

I am so bored. Why must there be holidays. I wanna go back to school. Not to study, of course. But to see my friends. I miss them so badly. Damn damn damn. Ouh I completely updated my friendster yesterday. Actually I planned to change the shoutout, but it's like my profile's been dead since, I don't know, how many weeks. So I updated up profile, from making a few changes to the 'About Me' section, all the way to editing my Primary picture and completed with changing my friendster-layout. Awesome. :)

Anyways, back to boredom. My sister went to the Library yesterday to borrow books, cause we both, LOVE books. During holidays, Libraries allow public to borrow 8 books. So she went to borrow 8 books using her card, and another 4 books using my card cause I haven't returned the other 4 books that me, Illy and Fifie borrowed a few days ago. So she came home with 12 books in total. All romance and suspense and fun and sexy type of books. I've read 1 book. 11 more to go! ;)

Oh and by the way, the movie yesterday, Speed 2:Cruise Control, was so filled with suspense and tension. I loved it. Ouh and I watched Elektra last Monday. I just love her. I want to be like her one day. The hot red outfit and the cool fighting stuff is just too good to be true. Oh and for tonight I'll be watching Cradle 2 the grave, starred by Jet Li and DMX at 7.30 pm, and A Lot Like Love, starred by Ashton Kutcher and Amanda Peet. Hahahah. And tomorrow, at 6.30, Memoirs of a Geisha, starred by Zhang Zi Yi and Michelle Yeoh. Woohoo! All this on Channel 5.

Hahaha. WTH? What did you guys expect? What else would I do at home alone with my grandma, other than watching TV all night long? Thanks to the TV Programmes, I'll not be TOO bored. =)

Anyways, I'll be off now. The fucking-irritating-and-no-life ass*le is screaming her head off asking me to stop playing the computer. So, ciao!

Something's not right.



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