Friday, July 24, 2009

Heyyy peeps. Just felt like updating today. Where should I start? School was ohh-kay today. Ohh I got story to tell. Erm on Tuesday, my classmate, his handphone got stolen. Searched everbody's bag but couldn't find. Then on Wednesday morning, when he went up to class, the phone was there, on his chair. And the only person who was in class was my other classmate, Rishi. Well, of course people suspect it's Rishi larh. But I don't want to blame him YET, because it doesn't make sense. If he stole it, why would he put it back, then stay in the classroom alone and let everyone suspcet him? I mean hell, Rishi's way smarter than that.

Then, Thursday, during Modular CCA, 3 people from my class, Chuan/Claire/Zubaidah, plus 1 sec one and another netballer, lost their belongings. Zuby, lost her MP4 and HP. The others I don't know. Like WTFF?! Then just now morning, the school found Claire's and Chuan's stuffs, but not Zuby's. WTH !!! Crazy people. Steal than give back. Ya'll got no fcuking life is it? Crazy *ssholes.

Anyways, my neighbour, Uncle Dave, passed away on Wednesday night. He got home from work, slept through the day. Then his wife let him sleep 'cause she thought he was probably tired. The dinner time, she wanted to wake him up. But then of course, he already left. Sad right? Well yeah, sad thing that he died without anybody knowing. But good thing that he died 'peacefully'. R.I.P.

Ohh-well. Saw my last post? Yeahh. I wanna cut my hair like that. But I'm scared it will turn out wrong because, well, erm, as ya'll know, hairdressers from Singapore all cut anyhow, EXCEPT, professional hairdressers. Hell what am I talking about! I already did !!! People, people. I went to Toa Payoh to cut my hair just now with Phine/Nat. Ready to see the pictures? Take a deep breath.




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