Tuesday, July 21, 2009

HELL-O people. =)

Ohhkay.'People' are complaining that my blog cannot be scrolled in their i-touch, so there you go! I changed my blog skin. I'm so sorry about the boom boom boom thing. Hahaha. I had a hard time understanding the website for the blogskin stuff ohkay. So I think this is the best I can do. But depends ah, if I'm gonna be spending more time with my blog the, hopefully I'm master the everything about blogskins.com.

So how's my new blog? I gave it a total new look so I lost all your links, all my songs and all the funny talks in my C Box last time. Hahaha. But nehmind. I'll get used to it. Ya'll leave your links at my tag board when you tag hor. I badly want all your links back. Tang que. =)

Ohh well, last Saturday, 'she' was so nice to me. She fetched me from my dance, bought me a wallet, black pumps, treated me to Delifrance,talked about her old days and all that. I have to admit, I felt awkward. But I can't deny that, it was actually nice to have her talking to me WITHOUT screaming like a mad woman. But like I mentioned before, I don't want to climb the mountain up too high. I'm afraid I might just slip and fall again like last time. Sighs.

Sunday, nothing much happened. Yesterday? Hmm. OHH! We had dance yesterday after 3 whole months! But you know, my tummy was damn sore after doing the warm-up. So long never stretch, tsk. tsk. The dance for Teacher's Day is going to be real fun people! I love it so much. Uh-uh. Nope. Nouh details about it fo now. =p.

Today, well, like any other normal day. But in class something sad happened to Jin Zi. He lost his phone. Then he was like so sad walking around checking our bags. I told him to relax. Then he was like ohh. Stupid people who stole it! Give it back larh dhey!

After school went opposite, had luch, hyper-ed with Phine. Then home-d alone. Saaad.

Goodnight peepos! =))))



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