Sunday, July 26, 2009

I am so obsessed with my new hair. Hahahah. Everywhere I go, I bring a comb with me. Ohh and heard news, fifie cut her hair too!!! Hahaha. High five sweetie! But I'm still nervous, though, going schoo tomorrow. Then summore, morning assembly, assemle in hall. WTFF!!! Ohkay breathe.

Anyways, I have a temporary phone, now. It's the very old phone. So what? As long as I can sms/call, I'm fine. Ohh and there's my favourite game in it too, Snake. Hahaha. Again, its my Grandpapa's old phone. He has lots of spare phone yawww. He called me this morning saying he found 2 old phones in his cupboard yesterday morning, so while my Grandmama was sleeping, he went down to repair it. Hahaha. Then he told me to come down to take the phone and use it while waiting for my dad's line to expire so that I can get anew phone. I was relieved since after almost a month without phone, I finally can text my friends now. WITHOUT public phone and all. Embarrassing larh please.

Oh well. I'll be sleeping soon. Wish me all the best for my new hair and my maths test results tomorrow ya'll!

PS: Thank Gawd you finally wanna come home. Dad and I will fetch you tomorrow dear. So pack up and get ready to for a huge enormous hug from me hor!!!



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