Tuesday, August 04, 2009

My goodness. I'm gonna decay soon people. It's so boring here at home. I feel like I'm some pathetic old hag being fed with soft rice and buckets of soup and sleeping like a pig every single minute. But the good news is, I can lose weight. LOL.

Argh. I miss school. I miss my girls. I miss my friends. I miss Cikgu Djohan. Haahh. I basically miss Bishan Park Secondary. And gawd, even salt taste like water to me. I can't believe this! This is absurd! This is HAWREEBEL.

I don't have a phone to contact anyone since my own phone is down. I feel miserable. No one to talk to. OMG. If I continue being like this, I'm gonna die a lonely death! OHH THE HORROR!

Hmm let me update on what movies I have been watching at home. Monday, Wild Child and Bolt. Tuesday I watched Kung Fu Panda, Alvin and The Chipmunks and also Stomp The Yard. The today I watched Step up 1 & 2 and later maybe High School Musical 1 and Marley and Me. So, yeah. I still don't know about tomorrow though. -.-

Alright. Ending here. Have a good day ahead everyone. =)



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