Tuesday, August 18, 2009

I've had enough nonsense for one night.

So hello. Where should I begin? Hmmm... Ohkay got it.
Uhm before I start, I'm telling ya'll that this ain't no today-i-do-this-yesterday-i-do-that kind of post. So if not concerned, please leave. Thanks for dropping by, I'd say.

I'm not really sure if ya'll noticed that I haven't been in my best of moods lately but anyway, here's why. Well things have been going really bad, at home. Ohh wait, at the place that I'm currently residing in and where most of my clothes are. Basically, some of ya'll might have guessed, its because of that woman. Lets start with last week, shall we.

So like I told you, she was ohkay with me when I was still sick. And during that period of time, I got myself a new phone. But with regards to what's been happening in school, I don't dare bring that phone to school, so I used my decoy, which is my grandada's un-sed phone. But on Sunday night, I realised that there was something wrong with that phone, it was spoiled, so I told 'her' that and asked if I could bring my new phone instead. Of course she disagreed lah, so I was okay with having no phone. But then she took the decoy and suddenly said, "Kau macam-macam ehk. Aku tau kau dah godeh2 pastu kau ader hati nk bawak hp baru." (Read: You, very troublesome ehk. I know you fiddled with it make it spoil, and then you want to bring new phone to school.)

Fcuk. I was ohkay that she didn't allow me to bring the damn phone. But did she have any rights to accuse me of something I didn't do? Bloody crap. Of course I talked back. Then we argued and I slammed my door. She practically got all worked up and started nagging like a child. The next day, we didn't talk. But ya'll know me, I hate fighting. So I tried being nice and being patient enough to talk to her. So that Monday night, she fried some curry puffs. She slammed it on the table. I kept quiet. Then I asked, NICELY, what was the inside the curry puff, sardine or potato. And this is what I got. "Kau ader mate kan, tak tau nk tgk per?" (Read: You got eyes right, don't know how to see is it?) Damn bullshit I tell you. I just shut up. I didn't want to pursue the matter. Same kind of thing happens all the time and for the rest of the week, so, fine.

Now on Sunday, 16th Aug, something even worse happened. She doesn't know that it was exam week, so she asked me, when was my exams. I told her, tomorrow is English paper, but in actual fact it was Maths and History. She got so pissed, "Kau dah tau besok exam tk tau nak blajar per? Dah lah bodoh, sumer fail, nk jadi aper kau nie?" (Read: You already know tomorrow exam, dunnoe how to study is it? So stupid, everything fail, what will become of you?) As if she cares. I listened to her, I took my storybook and started reading. Few minutes later, "Aku suro blaja bukan bace. Gunekan otak bleh tak? Tkkn sumer nk bilang?" (Read: I ask you to study not read. Use your brains can anot? Everything must tell is it?) So I took my papers and started studying. I studied until 10.00pm. Then I kept my materials and switched on the computer cause I wanted to update some stuffs. And this is what she did.

Went up to the main switch, and CLICK. Switched the damn bloody motherfcuking computer off, when I was in the middle of saving something. FCUK YOU, YOU FCUKING BITCH. I swore, I cursed, I shouted at her. We fought a damn damn huge fight. I screamed and yelled, she threw plates at me(plastic ones, don't worry), I threw the IKEA stool at her. Then I got so pissed, I went to my room, grabbed my valuables and left the house. I was already on the verge of jumping down ohkay. I went to a friend's house who have no parents and slept there for the night. I couldn't stand it. WHO DOES SHE THINK SHE IS?! HER FATHER'S COMPUTER IS IT??!! IT'S MINE, GODDAMN IT! SHE'S NOT SOME QUEEN, WHO DOES NOTHING AT HOME AND START BOSSING PEOPLE AROUND OHKAY!!! I was so pissed I told my dad to fetch me the next day and send me to school from there.

So to those concerned, especially Fifie and Puma who have been constantly asking why I was so silent just now, here I'm telling you why and saying sorry for the silence ya'll got from me just now. I guess I was just too disturbed that I wanted to shut everything down and just pray I don't die of brain cancer. But I feel better now, don't worry. And to the rest, please don't ask me about this matter in school tomorrow. I don't want to talk about it. Please. Thanks.

PS: My realtionship with her, it's just better if I leave and never come back if it's going to go on like this forever. Sighs.



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