Wednesday, November 04, 2009

Holidays suck.

Heyyy. So uhm its holidays. Urgh. Tonight I have Sri Warisan at 7.30 to 9.30. Then tomorrow probably I'm going to follow Phine and some other dancers to buy materials for sec ones orientation next year. Its at 2.00pm. And today I WOKE up at 1.00pm. I was so tired. I didn't even realise everyone's gone to work. Atok's call woke me up. Hahaha. I was damn sleepy uhk.

So the last post was about travelling? Hahahah. That was random lah. I didn't know what to post. Ouh but I missed out 2 more countries. Africa and Australia. Haahha. 1 day Azura. Just 1 day. Wait and be patient.

Ohkay anyaways I was gonna tell ya'll that I think I'm addicted to Facebook already. LOL. Its just so fun. I don't know why.

Ohh yeahh. I was watching videos on Youtube yesterday. And I found this video.


Look at the comments. Zuralicious95 is me. So don't read that.Then look at the NEGATIVE comments.
Damn pathetic lah the people that criticized him.

To all Chris Browns haters out there, I don't understand why you guys hate him so much. Till now? I mean, isn't that like too much. Whatever he did, in February, WAS wrong. There was no doubt that it was. But like I said all of us are humans. Humans make mistakes. Children, teenagers, even adults and senior citizens make mistakes. Beating Rihanna up was Chris Brown's mistake. Mistakes naturally happen for people to learn from it. Not judge it. When someone does something wrong, its completely up to that person whether he/she chooses to learn from it or repeat it. It clearly sounds to me that Chris chooses to learn from it. So I think its best if we give him our support to make him a better person and show him that we encourage him to not repeat the same damn thing, instead of criticizing him just by judging him from THIS mistake. Everyone has a part to play. His part is to try not to do anything wrong again. And our part, is to help him in any way that we can. So people, please, give Chris Brown another chance. He's already suffered enough. I'm sure Rihanna herself, has already forgiven him. Cause there must be a pretty good reason for Chris to have hit her in the first place. So quit hating him okay. I mean, he's already promised that he won't do it again. And people, promise is a big word. Thank you.

PS: I'll not be around for the rest of the week. So toodles people.


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