Tuesday, December 08, 2009


Heyyy. So uhm, yes, holidays are boring. But last week, on 3rd Dec and 5th Dec, I had lots of fun, going out with the Malay people.

3rd December was Twilight Saga : New Moon's release. So like I said, of course I HAD to catch it. In the previous post, I wrote that Johanna, Fifie and I was suppose to go catch it at Cathay Cineplex at Orchard. But unfortunately, when I couldn't get through Johanna, Fifie and I gave up and decided to watch it without her.

I waited for her at Ang Mo Kio MRT Station at 5pm. I wore a black sleeveless top where the hemline was below my butt and brown tights. I was planning to not wear tights cause the black top can also be seen as a black dress, but since we're going around at night, its gonna be cold. So I grabbed the tights. Fifie came out of the train and she was wearing a black long skirt, a tank top and a beenie. She looked cute, as always. Hahah.

So since we already decided on 6:45 pm, for the movie, we went to grab our so called 'dinner' at Mcdonald's. She ate the Avatar burger thingy and I ate Mcwings. When we were done, we made our way to the Cathay upstairs and had second thoughts. We wanted to go home late. Basically. So it didn't make sense to watch the movie so early. So Fifie decided we watch at Shaw House, at Lido where we can waste time. So we made our move to Orchard.

We reached Orchard and made our way to Lido. On our way, we grabbed candy canes from the Christmas Goodie shop. Both of us took the same thing and went around Orchard sucking that thing. Trust me, we had lots of fun. So we reached the Shaw House and to our horror, it was filled with people. Everywhere. So since we decided to wait until 8.30pm, we went down and walked around Orchard. We stopped by Far East to walk around and saw this young boy, about Primary 3/4. With a guy around my brother's age, which is 23. So i told Fifie, its so sweet that the brother cares to bring the younger brother for a little shopping. At first she agreed. Then she wispered, "Skali check2, bapak dier ehk?" (Read:Check2, the father ah.) I laughed.

So while walking Fifie decided that we watch at Cathay Cineplex instead since we're already quite near. I agreed to she directed me there. Ohkay she did all the thinking. I did all the following. There was only two of us for gawd's sake. Hahah.

So after a long but fun walk, we reached Cathay Cineplex and went to grab out tickets. Since there was no 8+pm available, we too 9pm. That was also near to being sold out but We managed to get it. Hahah. And did I mention, Nadya from Sri Warisan worked there? Yes she did.

Since there was still time, Fifie and I went to get NEOPRINTS! Hahahah. 10 coins and we got 6 of our favourite snapshots. They were so funny and we had so much fun. Right, Fifie? Hahah. So after decorating and stuff, we went back up to Level 5 to grab our popcorn and Sprite. Then stood at the table and watched different movie trailers in front of us. And my next favourite movie is gonna be Chipmunks VS Chipetes. Its actually Alvin and the Chipmunks 2. Yeahh they have girls thiis time. Go check the trailer out. So damn cute.

So when the time came, we went to the theatre and took our seats. Hahahah. And few minutes later, New Moon started and I got so excited seing Jacob Blacks hawwwt body and also the other 'wolves'. Goshhh. The movie was awesome and thanks to me, hahah, Fifie got a better understanding of what's happening and who's who in the movie. Cause she hasn't read the book yet. CAN YOU BELIEVE THAT GIRL? Hahah. I can. =p

After the movie, which was 11+pm, we wade our way home. She stopped at Bishan and I of course stopped at Yishun to take the 2nd last us home. I reached home and washed up before going to bed. It was a goooood night eventhough there were only 2 of us. It was like sisterly bonding. Hahah.

Ohkay. I'll tell you about the 5th December outing the next time I post again ohkay? Cause this post is already quite long and 5th December's outing is gonna be longer. So next time, people. Probably tomorrow, or the day after. But just to let ya'll know, the people who went were, Illy, Ayien, Huda/Puma, Fifie, Fardhie( Fifie's babyboy), Bazil and Ridwan. We went to Vivo City and we had lots of fun! Hahah. And if you wanna see pictures, go to my Facebook. There's an album there with 28 pictures from the outing. Enjoy!

PS: The neoprints WILL be up here soon. =)
PS/s: Bee, he's gone. And I hate him. Why can't you undertsand?



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