Tuesday, November 17, 2009


Ohkay everybody! Lets go! Give me an H! To the O to the L to the I to the D to the A to the Y, and then an S-U-C-K-S! And What do you get? HOLIDAY SUCKS! Yayyyyy!

Gosh. I'm so pathetic. So yeah I guess you know what today's post is gonna be. Suckish holiday. Hrmpf! I was supposed to go to my grams' place today but since Mom's having fever, its postponed to gawd knows when. And when Mom has fever, its a major major thing cause I don't know if her immune system is so powerful, but she gets fever like ONCE ever 2 years. Its like, WOW mannn. Or am I just so bored that even when Mom has fever its like a huge deal? Hoh well, I don't know.

So my year end performance at Taman Warisan a.k.a Malay Heritage Centre, went smoothely. I reached there at 8 am. Got ready and had a run through at 9.30 am. Then had our final touches until 10 am, where the doors open for audience to enter. My group kept on practicing since its our year end performance slash graduation performance slash year end exam where our principal, Mdm Som Said would grade us. Nervous, yes. Duh? But I had fun cause this year was the first year everyone from my class performed, except for one or two. But it was better than last year, where only me and a girl performed, with another class since the other girls kept on absenting themselves from class, so our instructors banned them from performing. So performance ended at 12 pm. Then we watched a Kuda Kepang performance by Kesenian Tedja Timor 1948. It was ohkay. Then had our lunch and ice creams. Heheheh. And then we changed out from our costumes and washed our faces and hair. Then I went around Bugis with Momma, since she came to watch my performance, and Aunty Fujita, the coolest mom I've ever met, and her 3 adorable sons. We went Bugis Junction, Bugis Village then went to Bugis Street, where I bought a jumpsuit and a dress. Then went home and slept all the way till evening.

So now I'm in the living room withe dad, sewing his taxi outfit. Hahah. He looks so funny with glasses and a frown. Looks like one of those atok atok (Read:grandfathers). I'm watching The Mentalist on Chanel 5 and I'm waiting for CSI Miami. Gosh I love these typer of shows. Hahah. Alrite gotta go! See ya!

PS: That was so sweet of you surprising me like that.



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