Thursday, December 17, 2009

Spammers crap.

Hello. I'm gonna be ranting alot today. Cause the topic is, 'Spammers'. And of course when you talk about 'Spammers' you NEED all the foul languanges.

So I was dropping by Fifie's blog, and my eyes happened to drift towards her tagboard. I literally laughed my ass off when I read what the spammers said. They claimed that Fifie 'suck', because she takes nice pictures, she has stable boyfriend and she has friends standing up for her. Downright pathetic.

Somewhere in the tag, Fifie stated that they're from PLMGS. I don't know where the hell is that But I don't give a flying fcuk about it. I Mean, if you're form a good school, then you're not stupid. If you're not stupid, why tag and leave nasty comments on people's blogs? Ohkay I agree they aren't stupid. They are dumb, AND stupid.

I don't understand these 'clever' people from good school. What? They're parents control them too much that they feel like they have to get on people by using good english at them? Hell no.

When Arina was standing up for Fifie, they say that Arina needs to polish up her English. Heyy, they want good English, I gave them their good english. I downright stood up for Fifie by replying in average standard english. Now all I have to do is wait for their reply. Fifie said 2 of them are 13 and 14. The other one, no idea. Aiyeooohhhh. So young want to harrass people. Stupid or what? Ehh lu orang mentah lagi lahhh. Kental tau takk! (Read: Eh you people still young lahh! Stupid you know or not!)

And they're all Indians. Hell please lahh. Why make your community look bad? I respected Indians before ya know? Cause they're so good in Maths and I was always amazed. But after several incidents, I don't anymore. Not that I look down on them. Some are still very nice and respectable. But that handful of them, goshh. I wish I could stab in some sense into them.
Anyways, I've told Fifie that if they reply, I'll entertain them. And please I don't want anyone else to be involved in this childish play. Thank you for your cooperation.

Well, I don't wanna blog about what happened to my brother cause its a family matter. And no, people, he is not in jail. Hahahaha. Just an accident that involves bones breaking. Ohkayy enough. =) Only the close ones get to know. =p

PS: I don' know what to say to you.



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