Tuesday, December 22, 2009

Boredom strikes.

Heyy. I'm bored so blogging seemed like a good choice. There's nothing much I can do nowadays when I'm online. I'll update my facebook, blog, bloghop, and just Youtube around. If I'm really bored I'll watch movie in the Macbook itself. I can't go out cause I have to take care of the 'patient' here at home. Or else known as The Brother. Hahah.

So right now I'm at home with him and his friend, John. He's a mix of Chinese/Indian. Super super cool dude. He's big. Nouh not big as in faaat. Big as in big-chested and tall figure. He's been my brother's friend since Secondary school. Along with another one, Faizal, also known as Apai. They are all bestfriends. Until now. And they're always there for each other. Sweet, no? Hahah.

Both of them are at the corridor, smoking and telling stories. John arrived with milkshakes. He bought me a Strawberry milkshake, my favourite. And my brother chocolate milkshake. Hahah. Like I said, cool dude.

I still remember those times when both my brother and sister were still in secondary school. My sister's girlfriends would hang around at my house, just to catch a glimpse of my brother half-naked with his shorts on. Hahah. Crazy girls. They've had a crush on my brother like forever. And now that my sister's older and prettier, Hari Raya times, my brother's friends would whisper among themselves when they see her. Hahahah. Silly boys.

Anyways, I'm yapping aren't I? I'm bored for hell's sake. Sorry readers. =)

PS: Happy happy happy birthday to Mohd Faizal Bin Shakir! You're 14! But you're still an assssss. =p And I love you, Tommie's daddy! =)
*When I think about it, Tommie's 4 years old this year. You're 14. Ohmigosh. You had him when you were 10!!!*


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