Friday, January 15, 2010


Hello people. So again, just an update. I am sooo lazy to type paragraphs anymore. So an update on what's been going on lately would be better.

1) So lessons finally start. Chemistry/History/DNT sucks. Chem:Mrs Guan. She teaches like sh*t. Histoy: Tan Wei Nah. She reads from the powerpoint slides that doesn't make sense. And DNT? Urgh. The teachers give you a task, and you are told to figure what you're suppose to do, yourself. Bloody hell.

2) So dance has been oh-kay for this period of time. We have our own choreography. And the new Sec Ones are joining us next week? I think. Some are super cute some are not bad.

3) I love my class. I have members to team up with in disturbing johanna and my new classmate, Joel. They sit beside each other during Chem and English. Then Me, Dzul, Puma, Arina, Afiq and some of the rest will start, 'Ehem!' Hahahha. Its so fun. Everybody is against Anna! =p

4) I really miss my 4th cat. He's been missing for more than 2 weeks. I don't know where the hell he is. He hasn't come home yet. I miss him so much. I still think about him. Hungry or safe or alive or gone. I'm worried sick. But I can't find him. =(

5) In other words, I'm attached. To the Bendemeer guy that I said was getting to know me. Well, we officially sealed the deal o 13/01/2010, where we met for the first time. He's super duper tall. 16+ cm. If not, 170 cm. And we look funny standing side by side. But, whatever. He's nice and I like his personality. Probably we're meeting tomorrow. If not Sunday. Yesterday wehn we were smsing, he was like, 'I wish I could see you right now!' Hahahah.

So that's all. Its an update, but its sooo long. Sorry. Heh. Thanks for reading, anyway!

PS: Mira a.k.a Apai's gf! Don't sad2 ohkay? He'll be gone for 2 weeks. He'll come back, sayang! Take care and miss you!



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