Monday, May 24, 2010


Picture 1.

Picture 2.

See this guy? That's my brother? Oh no he's no longer a guy sorry. He's a MAN! Hahah. Picture 1 was taken when he went to Genting Highlands with his girlfriend in May 2009. He was 23 back then. Now he's 24. Picture 2 was taken after he met with an accident ending of last year. My holiday at Nenenk's house got cut short cause I had to come home and take care of his big arse. Hahah. But don't worry people. He's healthy and back to normal now and he's a grown ass man already. So its time. Wondering what I'm talking about? Here it goes.

He's getting ENGAGED! Hahahah. I am so happy for him. Engaged to who you might ask. Well, to her!

Kak Zizah

Can you believe he's getting engaged? Cause I can't. To me he's still the brother who's forever annoying and rides me on his bike when he fetches me from primary school. I still remember there was one time where my sister was playing the computer in his room and he was sleeping. I was outside watching TV. All of a sudden he shouted my name. "Zura!" Of course I immediately ran in and asked "What?" Then when I saw he was snoring so soundly, I looked at my sister and she stared back at me. Then the both of us laughed till I cried. He was SLEEP-TALKING people. That big arse. Hahah.
I gotta admit. When I received the news, I was surprised and sad honestly. Cause it all happening so fast. I felt like he was gonna leave this family and apparently just start afresh. Well it is true so I was kinda like sad cause I wasn't ready to see him go yet. So when I went home, I went to his room. I looked around and thought to myself. 'Soon, you ain't gonna see all these anymore babe.' Then I went to look through old pictures and I found this album where it was my birthday and I was wearing a Hello Kitty mask on my head. And in one of the photos my sister was kissing my left cheek and my brother was kissing my left. I cried there and then. I was so sad I didn't want him to go. I didn't wanna lose him. At one point I gotta say that was really selfish cause all I could think of was him, building his new life with his wife and his own kids. Yeah I know. Selfish. But you have to understand. My siblings and I, we were very close. Eventhough we don't show it, we are. I remember we used to hold on to each other's t-shirt and crawl around the house in the middle of the night just because one of us had to pee. We were so cute lah. And the scene was so funny. So when I thought about all those memories I had with them, I really cried my heart out.
Then I told myself. It was time to let go. I can't hold on to them any longer. Someday they will go anyway. So I said, don't be selfish. Let go. So I did. And I'm extremely happy for him. Like finally, after 4 years of being in a relationship, he's finally taking his big step forward in his life. So I wanna wish him all the best. And I vowed to sing at his wedding. I am so excited! =)
Last long big brother.


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