Monday, April 12, 2010


Bonjour everybody. Hahah. I didn't go to school today. I'm on MC. Since yesterday I have been having really painful stomach aches. And its not those that you wanna go toilet kind of pain. Its like hundreds of pins being poked at your stomach. And its just on the right side of my tummy. Yesterday night I was in so much pain that while studying, I was sweating like a pig cause I couldn't bear it. In the end, I just wrapped myself in a blanket and clutched my stomach to sleep. I thought it'd be gone by tomorrow morning, so I let it go.

But this morning when dad woke up for school, I could still feel the same amount of pain. But I ignored it cause maybe it was gonna go off soon. But when I was in the bathroom, I almost slipped and fell because I was about to faint. So got myself together and told my parents about it. They were worried I was gonna get appendix or something. So dad left some money for me to go doctor. So at around 9 am I went down to see Dr Lim, a lady doctor.

I told her about the pain and she did a urine test. After a while they called me back in and she told me it was Bladder Infection. I don't know what that means but it sounded nasty. They game me 1 antibiotic, 1 painkiller and a few packets of something for the bladder. So right now, I'm at home, still in pain, but lesser, I'd say.

So there you go. Just an update. Thanks for dropping by! =)


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