Friday, March 12, 2010


Hello there. Nyahahahah. So this is an update for what I did just now. =)

I met Johanna, Izad, Mugilan, Jaafar at Somerset Skate Park just now at 10am. I was wearing a leopard print tank top and purple jeans. So when I reached all of them looked drunk. Hahah. Cause of the way they sit and all. Then while waiting for Ridwan to come, the three of them skate-d around. Izad kept falling and cause of the impact, he will go around bending down and saying, 'Ow. Ow. Ow.' He really looked like old man. Hahah. Anna tried skating too. She was so cute and funny. She actually fell when she slid off the slope when she was coming towards me after she stopped skating. She fell and hit her elbow and head. I thought she was gonna cry, I swear. So I stood up immediately and asked if she was ok. She was quiet for awhile, then she started laughing. -.-

She had this bruise on her elbow. Poor girl. So when Ridwan reached, we went to East Coast Park. It was a looooooong journey. Went to the skating thing there. It was sooo cool. There were more boys there with their skates and bicycles. I was so amazed they could do cool tricks.

Then we left because Anna was meeting up with Freddhie and Zuben and I was meeting Puma and Areena to watch Dear John. We ate at KFC Plaza Singapura while waiting. Then Freddhie and Zuben came. Hahah. Freddhie was so hilarious. I like his personality. He ain't shy and he's very socialable. He kept asking questions and cracking up jokes. Zuben was the 'cool' dude. Hahah.

After they ate, we went to their school, YMCA. Its a damn good school. I wanna go there one day. We went to 9th floor and sat at the tables there. Freddhie showed me his magic tricks. Sooo cool lah! I was like 'What? How did you do that?!' the whole time. Hahahah. Then Anna and Freddhie dared each other to go into the swimming pool. So Anna wore Zuben's extra t-shirt and got ready to go into the pool. Then before she knew it, Freddhie pushed her into the pool. But she was holding on to his t-shirt so he went in too. Hahahahah. It was a funny sight. Then they played in the water and kept trying to drown each other. Hahah. I love them both. Then they got out and we went to Level 3 carpark to erm. Then I had to leave cause Arina and Puma were waiting for me.

So I hugged Anna, who was very drenched. When I hugged Freddhie, he didn't wanna let go cause he wanted me to get all wet. I was like Okay I'm wet already!!! Hahahah. Then I hugged Zuben and he was like, Áww. Now I'M wet. Hahahah. Funny people.

So I watched Dear John. I was a very slow movie. I cried when Channing Tatum was like crying cause his dad in the movie was dying. So, yeah. The other parts were boring. Then I left and went home. So that's basically it. I'm done here. Toodles!



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