Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Bubbly is back.

Hello. I don't think I wanna be that saaaad miserable girl anymore. Its not fun and irritating when everybody asks u why? What's wrong? What's happening. So yeah. No more saaad girl.
New and improved. Imma be happy always. Smiling like nothing's wrong. Cause if u mix personal with school, it gets messy. So hello everybody. Imma pretend nothing's going on okay? So that it is better for me and everyone else.

So currently, I'm trying to help some people with their problems. Do try and figure out who you are.
1. Girl - You're not guilty. Stop thinking you are. Just make it up to him now that the other one's away. Analyse your inner feelings too please. Cause right now you're so unsure of yourself. Don't be afraid to ask him out. Its better than he asking u out again and you fail to come right? So gather your guts and ask him out. It's nothing wrong. Stay strong. Fight for those feelings buried inside.

2. Girl - You also another one. It's not your fault larh dhey. They both liked you at the same time. It's A's fault. He just can't accept the fact that the other one likes you and you DO like him back. So don't keep blaming yourself. And stop being so paranoid when he does something to R. Let them settle it. The more you defend R, the more he'll hurt him. You have to trust me on this. You never know what he'll do if you say a word about him putting a finger on R. So chill. Try to ignore them aite? But you can always be the listening ear to R. That should be ok.

3. Girls - Argh. I don't know where to start. Like I said, talking among yourselves is the best solution. You can't possibly ignore the situation and start to not talk to each other in the future right? That's just not right? From the way I see it, you guys have alot to discuss about each other. It can be done. So stop being pessimistic about the outcomes. You have to speak up. And be patient, always. Patience is a virtue. Your friendship is something special. Whatever happened to (Read: Translate to malay) "Let the moon be the witness for our friendship." You guys related your friendship like that, so you have to UPHOLD it that way. Whatever it is, talk it out. Pour out your feelings. And always always always, compromise and cooperate. Honesty is the best policy my girls. Stay strong ohkay?

So that's it. That's just how I feel about the problems some of my friends are going through nowadays. So if you have any other comments, talk to ME in school or here at the Tagboard. Thank you very much. Have a good night.



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