Monday, March 08, 2010

No Idea

So I explained to Johanna about the dream. And she said that it has something to do with that particular person. I don't know Anna. I just don't know. My whole life's falling apart. I'm not an emotional person lah. I'm ALWAYS happy and smiling to everybody. I love laughing cause it makes me feel better. I am bubbly. I don't show my feelings. Its just in there. Buried under all the smiles and laughter. But I'm not acting 'happy'. At certain parts of my life I AM happy. Especially when I'm surrounded with people I love. You see. 4 things make up my life.

1. Family(Including pets)
2. Friends(FIVE ! and my other friends)
3. Feelings(Including happiness)
4. Beliefs

So, yeah. Argh I dunnoe why I'm so sentimental right now. I feel like I'm such a loser. Wake up Azura. It ain't gonna change. You'll just have to go on from where it started.


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