Friday, February 05, 2010

Hello lah hello lah.

Wassup peepos! I uh... I don't know what to say. Aiyeoh. Old lady on board. Ohh yeah. Speaking of old lady. Just now in chemistry class we kept saying 'old lady' very loudly to Mrs Guan. But we kept laughing cause she didn't hear us at all. It's like every sentence we finished by, 'Ah yeah. You old lady lah.' Hahah. It was damn hilarious and you should have been there.

So just updates.

1) Monday- Had dance. Belda, Ms Shining and I did the counting for our Student Choreography song. We don't really know what to do, which part to put in where. So we didn't really finish it. But all and all we had fun.

2) Tuesday- I went home after school. Didn't feel like going anywhere. So I went home.

3) Wednesday- When school ended, I sat down in the canteen with Zuby since Phine and all went home already. Sat down with Kabilan, Ridwan and all lah except Izad. No idea where he went. Then so called Subhraj girlfriend the fat ass who smelled of curry, came and sat at our table. WTF. She was like saying Govind's so cute. Hahahahah. Then we ask her go away she don't want. Kept laughing like something so funny like that. Then the boys were like "We give you 20 secs to go away. If not we pour water at you." Then she don't believe. Then Kabilan was like " If I do how?" Then she kept laughing. Then Ridwan gave the pissed look then said "Eh if I do how?" Then she laugh slower. Then we started counting. She still laugh laugh then we say, okay we give you 10 seconds. So we count, she just stand there. Bazil stood up and splash the water at her when we reached 0. Abit only lahh. Then she slowly went. Stupid fatass. After that they went soccer, Zuby went netball, I went to meet my boyfriend. After that he sent me to Bugis for my workshop at Taman Warisan. We had to learn Indonesian dance combine with other traditional dance groups all over Singapore. Had fun of course. Reached home at 11++PM.

4) Thursday- After school had dance. After dance went to eat at Mcdonald with Fifie and Syafiq. Then went to Taman Warisan again. This time we did formation and all for our Saturday showcase. We're like the introduction for the viewers to see and know what to expect before they watch the Pros from Indonesia dance it. So, yeah. Finished debrief at 10++PM. Then had to clean up and all cause that Taman Warisan is under Sri Warisan's property, so Madam Som always order us to be good hosts and clear up every single thing before leaving so that others can enjoy the place. Wrapped up at 11PM. Reached home at 12 something.

5) This morning I couldn't wake up. But I still did. Areena didn't come school today, so I was like so pathetic sitting alone at the table during Chemistry. But I still had fun crapping around with Dennis/Dzul. Hahaha. Alexea also. Johanna slept all the way. Afiq also. Puma every 5 minutes give me the Jibek look. Hahahh. Then we ended and phew! Chemistry was over! Hahaha. So waited for Phine/Zuby to finish their art before going home with them. I reached home, bought my lunch, ate and slept for like 2 hours before waking up to do chores before mom reach home.

So there. I'm currently watching Suria Elektra. Ohkay lahh. Not bad.

PS: Miss you bby.



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