Sunday, January 24, 2010


Hello. Actually I don't really know what to say. Just felt like typing and all. Oh well, whatever.

1. Last Saturday, I had Sri Warisan. But dropped by Bishan to pass Dzul's homework to Arina. I was a little bit late, and worst of all when I arrived, my principal was there. She just wanted to update us on certain things that were going to happen for this year, so yeah. After that I accompanied mom for foot massaging at Tekka Mall. Its damn boring there. After that, we went home. So that was Saturday.

2. Today, early morning woke up and went to my grams place. Played with Manje Baby as soon as I got there. While Dad/Atok/Mom/Nyayi talk, I played with him, looked around the house ad all. Argh. Whatever larh. I don't wanna elaborate no more.

So right now, I'm typing this post. The most stupid post ever typed by me. Hahah. Ohhkay. Truth is, I'm stressed out and disturbed. I think I'm gonna be depressed soon. Or worst, crazy. Sighs.

PS: I want to run away from everybody.



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