Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Hello. Haven't been blogging for quite long huh? Uh-huh.

Gosh. It was SYF just now. Freaking SYF. And yes, just now. Which means it's over. And I don't care what the results might be, cause I know we all did our best, apart from all the nervousness, BACKSTAGE. On stage, we were pretty comfortable. And my lifting, fcuking thank God I didn't fall. Thanks Phine and Yvonne! Overall, it was fun.

The experience we all went through the past 4 months was pretty touching. (Read: For me.) Cause SYF was the last performance our Sec 4 seniors, Yna and Wahidah, are going to perform with us. Yeap. Ms Shining teared up when she announced that today was her last day with them. And also when she hugged them both. I was gonna tear up too, but I controlled. The rest of the dancers almost cried. It was a very heart-breaking moment. I was touched to see Ms Shining sad that she had to say goodbye to them. I've always thought she's a tough, hot and strong-hearted woman who doesn't tear up that easily, but I was wrong. She was like 'Okay, as you know, today is the last day your seniors, Yna and Wahidah are going to be with us. I've thought them since Sec 1 and now I have to say goodbye to them. Yna and Wahidah, We're going to miss you two very much. Give me a hug.' She teared up that part. Her face was so red. It was so hard for me to control my tears. Hahaha.

Oh well. To Yna and Wahidah, us dancers are definitely going to miss you guys, even though we'll see you around in school. But as you know, it's not the same seeing you guys out of the dance studio and in the dance studio itself. I'm sure we'll miss asking, Where's Yna? Where's Wahidah? Then Josephine would say, I'll call Yna now, teacher. Johanna would say, I called Wahidah but it says user busy. I think she's on the way teacher. Hearing all these, Ms Shining and Ms Susan would say, Okay.

Sighs, gonna miss all those moments where Wahidah used to panic every Pas De Bure front and back with arms. Hahah. She'd start panicking and asking me alot of questions. Oh and gonna miss all those moments where Yna would be so responsible, example during our last partnering phrase in SYF, she would be, Let's practice until we get the same timing. Awe man. Just posting this is making me tear. God. Gonna miss you guys so much. And its just months before your graduation. Oh god. Oh God. Oh GOD.

Anyways, I hope that in whatever you do, you'll succeed and would be happy with whatever you decide. Good luck in everything you do my dear dear dearest seniors, Yna Margareth and Wahidah Norlin. =)

Yna, Ms Shining and Wahidah

Oh anyways, I shall post again only after I get our SYF results. So be prepared ya'll!




Blogger Unknown said...

Hello, sry to ask...
i would like to know is the girl wahidah in that picture full name is wahidah norlin bte saian??

thank you..
(it helps a lot)

10:17 AM  
Blogger Unknown said...

Hello, sry to ask...
i would like to know is the girl wahidah in that picture full name is wahidah norlin bte saian??

thank you..
(it helps a lot)

10:17 AM  

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