Saturday, September 11, 2010

Nurkhai Arina

See that girl up there? Yeah. Today I'll be talking about her. Not because I want to of course. Because she told me too. Why on earth would I want to write about her? Puh-lease. Hahahah. Peace okay, Kental? Heheheh. So here we go.

Nurkhai Arina is her name. She's the same age as me. She's a girl. She's not that tall but taller than me. =p She's veryyyy friendly. She's super fun to be with. She's spontaneous. She's always laughing at my lame jokes. She's always smiling. She's also ALWAYS sleepy. Heh heh heh.

Arina Arina Arina. Hmmm. What else? She's sensitive also. But she doesn't have a fat ego. Just a little. Sometimes she's very blur. But it's sooo freaking cute and annoying at the same time. Hahah. Why I love her? Because she's outgoing and just great lah okay. She's easy to talk to. Arina is just Arina. No one can replace her. You can try but you won't succed. Cause she's too aww-some. =)))

There you go you arse! Nak sangat kan? Dah go and read. Read, smile, and go to sleep. Hahah. Alright I'm done here. Thank you very much.

PS: Just go to hell. That's where you belong.



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