Sunday, April 15, 2012

First Day of Poly Life.

Hello hello.
Yeap today is Day 1 of poly life.
Sighs. I was so damn lost while finding my class just now.
I was the last one to go in and everyine stared at me.
Thank god it wasn't much people.
Like only 25.
I'm in class now, learning how to use the online stuff by RP.
Nothing is going in my head cause I'm sleepy and this whole thing is really dry and dull.
I made quite a few friends already.
I had to, if not I'll be lost forever.
So far so good.
I'm surviving this pretty well so far.
I could seriously get used to this for the next 3 years. ;)
Alright. Gotta go now.
After this movie date with babyboo.
We're watching The Vow.
Time needs to fly off really fast now.
I wanna see my honey bunny!
Have a great day you guys!



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