Friday, March 16, 2012

Hello Again! Hahah.

Oh hello! Hahah. Decided to blog again cause I miss blogging so so much.
So you've noticed I changed my blogskin and cleaned up unnecessary stuff. I just updated my pofile and I saw that I've been blogging since May 2006. How long is that? I was freaking 11 years old! Hahah. Anyways, this is the new look. Extremely simple, but who cares. Enjoy my blog!

PS: This is us. I am very happy with him. And yes I am a redhead now. Like it? ;)



Blogger kurnaen said...

your red hair looks like hayley william

Just FYI, there’s an event for bloggers and the prizes are iPad2 and Cash. Find the info in my blog

5:45 PM  

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